[ g i r l s ]

Lacie : LAY-see : greek "cheerful"

Laila : LAH-ee-lah or LAY-luh : danish "night"

Lailie : LAY-lee : hebrew "born during light"

Lakeisha : LAH-kee-shah : swahili "favorite one"

Lala : LAY-luh : slavic "tulip"

Lalasa : lah-LAH-sah : hindi "love"

Lan : LAN : vietnamese - flower name

Lana : LAH-nuh : polynesian "to float"

Lane : LAYN : english "from the narrow road"

Lani : LAH-nee : hawaiian "sky, heaven"

Lara : LAHR-uh : latin "well-known"

Laraine : luh-RAYN : latin "sea bird"

Lari : lahr-EE : english "crowned with laurel"

Larissa : LAH-ris-sah : greek - name of a city and a mythical woman

Larissa : lah-REE-sah : russian "cheerful one"

Lark : LARK : english "a songbird"

Lateefah : lah-TEE-fah : north african "gentle, pleasant"

Latika : LAH-tee-kah : hindi "elegant"

Latonia : LAH-ton-yuh : latin - mother of apollo and diana

Laura : LOHR-uh : latin "laurel"

Laurel : LOHR-el : latin "laurel"

Laurinda : LOHR-in-dah : latin "crowned with laurel, praise"

Laveda : lah-VEE-dah : latin "innocent one"

Laverne : lah-VERN : french "spring-like"

Leah : LEE-uh : hebrew "weary"

Leala : LEE-lah : french "loyal one"

Leandra : LEH-an-druh : latin "like a lioness"

Leba : LAY-bah : yiddish "beloved"

Ledah : LEE-duh : hebrew "birth"

Leigh : LEE : old english "meadow"

Leiko : LAY-koh : japanese "arrogant"

Leila : LEY-lah : arabic "born at night" or "black"

Leilana : lay-LAH-nee : hawaiian "heavenly child"

Lee : LEE : chinese "plum"

Lena : LEE-nuh : greek "light"

Lena : LAY-nuh : latin "temptress"

Lene : LEH-nuh : norwegian "illustrious"

Leora : lee-OHR-uh : greek "light"

Leslie : LEZ-lee : old english "small meadow"

Letha : LEH-thah : greek "oblivion"

Levana : LAH-vah-nah : latin "rising sun"

Lexine : LEKS-een : hebrew "helper and defender of mankind"

Lia : LEE-ah : hebrew "dependence"

Liadan : lee-AH-den : irish "grey lady"

Lian : LEE-ahn : chinese : "the graceful willow"

Liana : LEE-ah-nuh : french "to bind"

Liana : LEE-ah-nuh : latin "youth"

Lien : LEH-ehn : chinese "lotus"

Lila : LEE-lah : arabic "night"

Lilith : LIL-ith : assyrian "storm goddess"

Lilith : LIL-ith : hebrew "spirit of the night"

Lillian : LIL-e-an : latin "lily"

Limber : LIM-ber : african "joyfulness"

Lina : LEE-nah : arabic "tender"

Linda : LIN-dah : spanish "pretty"

Lindsay : LIND-see : old english "linden island"

Linette : LIN-net : celtic "graceful"

Linnea : lin-NAY-yuh : norwegian - lime tree, national flower of sweden

Lisa : LEE-suh : hebrew "concecrated to god"

Lisette : LIHS-et : french "concecrated to god"

Litsa : LEET-sah : greek "one who brings good news"

Liv : LEEV : norwegian "life"

Liza : LIGH-zah : hebrew "god's oath"

Lois : LOH-is : greek "battle maiden"

Lola : LOH-luh : spanish "strong woman"

Lokelani : lo-keh-LAH-nee : hawaiian "small red rose"

Lore : LOH-reh or LOHR : basque "flower"

Lorelei : LOHR-e-ligh : german "siren, lurer to the rocks"

Lorraine : LOHR-ayn : french "from lorraine"

Lotus : LOH-tus : greek "lotus flower"

Louise : LOO-eez : old german "famous warrior"

Lucia : loo-CHEE-uh : italian "light"

Lucinda : LOO-sin-dah : latin "bringer of light"

Lucine : LOO-seen : armenian "moon"

Lucretia : LOO-kree-shuh : latin "brings light"

Lucy : LOO-see : latin "light"

Lukene : loo-KEH-neh : latin "bringer of light"

Lukina : loo-KEE-nah : ukranian "graceful and bright"

Lulu : LOO-loo : native american "rabbit"

Luna : LOO-nah : latin "moon"

Lydia : LID-e-uh : greek "from lydia" or "beauty"

Lynn : LIN : anglo-saxon "a cascade"

Lyris : LEER-ihs : greek "player of the lyre"

Lysnadra : LIGH-san-druh : greek "emancipation"

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Lamont : LAH-mahnt : norse "lawyer"

Lance : LANS : old german "land"

Lander : LAHN-der : greek "lion man"

Landon : LAN-dun : old english "long hill"

Lane : LAYN : old english "from the narrow road"

Lang : LAYNG : scandinavian "tall man"

Lawler : LAW-ler : gaelic "softspoken"

Lear : LEER : german "of the meadow"

Leif : LEEF : swedish "beloved" or "descendant"

Len : LEN : hopi indian "flute"

Lennon : LEN-non : gaelic "little cape"

Lennor : LEH-nohr : english gypsy "spring, summer"

Lennox : LEN-nex : gaelic "from the field of elm trees"

Lensar : LEHN-sahr : english gypsy "with his parents"

Leron : leh-ROHN : arabic "the song is mine"

Li : LEE : chinese "strength"

Liam : LEE-am : irish "unwavering protector"

Logan : LOH-gen : gaelic "from the little hollow"

Lucas : LOO-kas : latin "bringer of light"

Lukyan : LOO-ke-yan : russian "bringer of light"

Lunt : LOONT : scandinavian "form the grove"

Lyle : LIGHL : french "from the island"

Lysander : LIGH-sand-er : greek "liberator"