[ g i r l s ]

Gabrielle : gab-REE-el-uh : hebrew "god is my strength"

Gaia : JEE-ah : greek "earth"

Gail : GAYL : old english "lively"

Gala : GAH-lah : swedish "singer"

Galatea : gal-uh-TEE-uh : greek "milk-white"

Gali : gah-LEE : hebrew "spring, fountain"

Galina : guh-LEEN-uh : russian "light"

Galya : GAHL-yuh : hebrew "god has redeemed"

Gana : GAHN-uh : hebrew "garden"

Ganesa : GAH-nes-sah : hindi "good luck"

Gauri : GOW-ree : hindi "yellow"

Gelasia : gel-AY-shah : greek "predisposed to laughter"

Gemma : JEM-uh : latin "jewel"

Genevieve : JEN-uh-veev : french "white wave"

Geraldine : JER-ahl-deen : teutonic "ruler with a spear"

Gerda : GHER-dah or GHER-tuh : german "protection"

Gertrude : GUR-trood or GHER-trood : teutonic "spear maiden"

Geva : GAY-vuh : hebrew "hill"

Ghislaine : ZHEES-layn : french "sweet pledge"

Giacinta : jah-SEEN-tah : italian "hyacinth"

Gianina : JEE-ah-nee-nah : italian "god is gracious"

Gilana : JIH-lah-nah : hebrew "joy"

Gilda : GIL-duh : celtic "god's servent"

Gilen : GIGH-len : teutonic "industrious pledge"

Gillian : JIL-ee-en : latin "downy-haired"

Gin : JIN : japanese "silver"

Gina : JEEN-uh : japanese "silvery"

Ginger : JIN-jer : latin "ginger plant"

Giselle : JIH-zel : old german "a pledge"

Gitana : gee-TAH-nah : spanish "gypsy"

Githa : GAY-thah : anglo-saxon "gift"

Gizane : gee-SAH-nee : basque "christ's incarnation"

Gleda : GLAY-duh : old english "to make happy"

Glenna : GLEN-nuh : gaelic "from the valley"

Gloria : GLOHR-ee-uh : latin "glory"

Goldie : GOHL-dee : old english "gold"

Gotzone : go-TSOH-nee : basque "angel, messenger"

Grace : GRAYS : latin "grace"

Grainne : GRAY-ne : irish "love"

Grania : GRAY-nyuh : gaelic "love"

Grazia : GRAH-tsee-ah : italian "grace"

Grear : GREER : scottish "watchful"

Gretchen : GRETCH-en : german "little pearl"

Grette : GERT-tah : danish "pearl"

Gwendolyn : GWEN-doh-lin : celtic "white brow"

Gypsy : JIP-see : old english "wanderer"

Gytha : GEH-tuh : old english "a gift"

[ b o y s ]

Gabe : GAYB : hebrew "god is my strength"

Gage : GAYJ : old french "pledge"

Galen : GAY-len : gaelic "calm"

Galeno : gah-LEH-noh : spanish "little bright one"

Galvin: GAYL-vin : irish "sparrow"

Gamble : GAM-bul : norse "old"

Gannon : GAN-nun : irish "fair-complexioned"

Gareth : GAIR-eth : welsh "gentle"

Garrett : GAIR-et : anglo-saxon "powerful with the spear"

Garrick : GEHR-ik : old english "one who governs with a spear"

Garridan : GAIR-ih-den : english gypsy "you hid"

Garrison : GAIR-i-sun : hebrew "column of conquest"

Gary : GAIR-ee : old english "spear carrier"

Gaspar : gas-PAHR : spanish "master of treasure"

Gavin : GAV-vin : welsh "white hawk"

Gavrie : GAYV-ree : russian "man of god"

Gaynor : GAY-nohr : gaelic "son of the fair-haired one"

Geoffrey : JEF-ree : english "heavenly place"

Gerard : JAH-rard : old german "spear-brave"

Gerik : GAY-rik : polish "prosperous spearman"

Germain : JER-mayn : french "from germany"

Ginton : GIHN-ton : arabic "a garden"

Givon : jee-VON : arabic "hill, heights"

Glenn : GLEN : gaelic "valley"

Gordon : GOHR-dun : english "from the cornered hill"

Grady : GRAY-dee : gaelic "noble, illustrious"

Graham : GRAM : anglo-saxon "warlike"

Gram : GRAM : latin "grain"

Granger : GRAYN-jer : old english "farmer"

Grant : GRANT : latin "great"

Granville : GRAN-vil : french "from the big town"

Grayson : GRAY-son : old english "son of the bailiff"

Greg : GREG : celtic "fierce"

Greger : GREG-er : swedish "vigilant"

Gregory : GREG-ohr-ee : latin "watchman"

Gresham : GRESH-em : english "from the grazeland"

Gunnar : GUHN-nahr : teutonic "bold warrior"

Gunther : GUHN-ther : scandinavian "battle-army, warrior"