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Aba : ah-BAH : african "girl born on a thursday"

Abey : ab-EE : native american "leaf"

Abigail : AB-ih-gayl : hebrew "father of joy"

Abina : ah-bee-NAH : southern ghana "girl born on a tuesday"

Abiona : ah-BEE-oh-nah : yoruban "born on a journey"

Abira : ah-BEER-ah : hebrew "strong"

Acacia : uh-KAY-shuh : greek "thorny, naive"

Acanit : ah-CHAH-neet : ugandan "hard times"

Acantha : uh-KAN-thuh : greek "thorny"

Accalia : ah-KAY-lee-ah : latin - foster mother of romulus and remus

Acelin : az-LEEN : teutonic "noble"

Achen : AK-een : ugandan "a twin"

Ada : AYE-duh : teutonic "happy"

Adalia : uh-DAHL-yuh or uh-DALE-e-uh : german "noble one"

Adamina : a-duh-MEE-nuh : hebrew "daughter of the earth"

Adara : AH-druh : arabic "virgin"

Adara : ah-DAYR-uh : greek "beauty"

Adelaide : AD-uh-layd : german "noble, of kind spirit"

Adele : uh-DEL : german "noble"

Adeline : AD-ah-lighn : old german "noble quality"

Adena : ah-DEEN-ah : hebrew "sensual"

Aderes : ah-DAYR-es : hebrew "one who protects"

Adesina : ad-AY-see-nah : yoruban "the way is opened for more"

Adie : ah-dee-AY : hebrew "ornament"

Aditi : uh-DEE-tee : hindi "free and unbounded"

Adiva : ah-DEE-vah : arabic "pleasant, gentle"

Adoncia : AH-dohn-chuh : spanish "sweet"

Adonia : ah-DOH-nee-uh : greek "beautiful"

Adora : uh-DOR-uh : french "beloved"

Adrienne : ay-dree-EN or AY-dree-en : french "dark one"

Afina : uh-FEE-nuh : rumanian "blueberry"

Afrika : af-RIK-ah : celtic "pleasant"

Agate : AG-gaht : greek "kind"

Agatha : AG-ah-thuh : greek "good"

Agnes : AG-nes : greek "chaste"

Ahava : UH-hah-vuh : hebrew - name of a river

Ahimsa : AH-heem-sah : hindi "nonviolent virtue"

Aida : EY-ee-dah : arabic "reward"

Aida : AH-ee-dah : french "help"

Aiko : IGH-koh : japanese "little love, beloved"

Aila : IGH-luh : finnish "light-bearer"

Aileen : ay-LEEN : irish "light"

Ailsa : AYL-suh : hebrew "concecrated to god"

Aimee : AY-mee : french "loved one"

Ain : ah-EEN : arabic "precious" or "eye"

Aina : ah-ee-NAH : yoruban "complicated delivery"

Aine : AN-yuh : celtic "joy"

Ainhoa : AH-een-oh-ah : basque - reference to virgin mary"

Ainsley : AYNZ-lee : gaelic "ones own meadow"

Aintzane : ah-ee-TSAH-neh : basque "glorious"

Airlia : AIR-lee-uh : greek "ethereal"

Aisling : ASH-ling : irish "vision, dream"

Aislinn : AYZ-lyn : gaelic "inspiration"

Aithne : ATH-nuh : celtic "little fire"

Aiyana : igh-YAH-nah : native american "eternal bloom"

Akako : AH-kah-koh : japanese "red"

Akanke : AH-kahn-kee : nigerian "to know her is to love her"

Akasma : UH-kuhs-muh : turkish "white climbing-rose"

Akela : ah-KAY-lah : hawaiian "noble"

Akilah : AH-kee-lah : arabic "intelligent, logical"

Akili : ah-KEE-lee : tanzanian "wisdom"

Akilina : AH-kih-lee-nuh : latin "eagle"

Akina : AH-kee-nah : japanese "spring flower"

Akiva : ah-KEE-vah : hebrew "protect"

Alake : ah-lah-KEH : yoruban "one petted"

Alala : ah-LAH-lah : greek "war goddess"

Alana : uh-LAH-nuh : hawaiian "offering"

Alani : ah-LAH-nee : hawaiian "orange tree"

Alanna : ah-LAHN-uh : gaelic "fair"

Alaqua : ah-LAH-kwah : native american "sweet-gum tree"

Alavda : ah-LAV-dah : french "lark"

Alazne : ah-LAHZ-nee : basque "miracle"

Albinka : al-BEN-kah : latin "blond"

Alcina : AYL-see-nuh : greek "strongminded"

Aldea : al-DEE-uh : teutonic "rich"

Aldercy : ahl-DER-see : old english "a chief"

Aleka : ah-LAY-kah : greek "helper and defender of mankind"

Alethea : uh-LEE-thee-uh : greek "truth"

Alexandria : ahl-eks-AHN-dree-uh : greek "helper and defender of mankind"

Alexandrina : ahl-eks-AHN-dree-nuh : greek "helper and defender of mankind"

Alexis : ah-LEKS-us : greek "helper and defender of mankind"

Alia : AH-lee-ah : arabic "loftiness"

Alice : AYL-ihs : old english "noble"

Alida : uh-LEE-duh : greek "from the city of fine vestments"

Alida : uh-LEE-duh : latin "small winged one"

Alike : ah-LEE-keh : nigerian "girl who drives out beautiful women"

Alima : AH-lee-mah : arabic "wise"

Alina : ah-LEE-nah : polish "bright, beautiful"

Alison : AYL-ih-sun : old german "noble, kind"

Alita : ah-LEE-tuh : spanish "noble"

Alix : AYL-iks : teutonic "noble"

Aliz : AH-leez : hungarian "kind"

Aliza : uh-LEE-zuh : hebrew "joyous"

Allegra : uh-LAY-gruh : latin "joyful, merry"

Alodie : al-OW-dee : anglo-saxon "wealthy"

Aloysia : ah-LOY-shuh : teutonic "famous in war"

Altair : AHL-tair : arabic "bird"

Althea : al-THEE-uh : greek "wholesome"

Alula : ah-LOO-lah : latin "winged one"

Alumit : uh-loo-MEET : israeli "secret"

Alvita : al-VEE-tuh : latin "annointed"

Alysa : ah-LIHS-suh : greek "princess"

Alyssa : ah-LIHS-suh : greek "logical"

Alzena : al-ZEE-nuh : arabic "the woman"

Amabel : AM-uh-bel : latin "lovable"

Amadika : ah-mah-DEE-kah : southern rhodesian "beloved"

Amadi : ah-MAH-dee : nigerian "general rejoicing"

Amadis : am-AH-dis : latin "love of god"

Amaia : ah-MAY-ah : basque "end"

Amalia : uh-MAYL-ee-uh : latin "industrious"

Amanda : AH-man-dah : latin "worthy of love"

Amandine : AH-mahn-deen : latin "beloved"

Amara : ah-MAH-rah : esperanto "bitter"

Amara : ah-MAHR-ah : german "steadfast" or "immortal"

Amarande : AM-ah-ran-dah : greek "immortal"

Amarante : AHM-ah-ran-tah : french - flower name

Amaris : ah-MAHR-ihs : english "child of the moon"

Amata : ah-MAH-tah : spanish "beloved"

Ambar : AHM-bar : hindi "sky"

Amber : AM-ber : arabic - reddish-yellow precious jewel

Ambika : ahm-BEE-kah : hindi - goddess of destruction

Amdis : AM-dis : latin "immortal"

Ameerah : ah-MEER-uh : arabic "princess"

Amelia : uh-MEEL-e-uh : latin "industrious"

Amethyst : AM-e-thyst : greek " a precious stone"

Amina : ah-MEEN-ah : muslim "peace, security"

Aminta : ah-MEEN-tah : latin "protectress"

Amissa : ah-MEE-suh : hebrew "friend"

Amity : AM-ih-tee : latin "friendship"

Amoke : ah-moh-KEH : yoruban "to pet her"

Amy : AYE-mee : latin "beloved"

An : AHN : chinese "peace"

Anastasia : an-ah-STAY-shuh : greek "resurrection"

Ancelin : AHN-slin : latin "handmaiden"

Andras : AHN-drahs : norwegian "breath"

Andreana : AN-dree-an-uh : latin "womanly"

Andromeda : AN-drah-meh-dah : greek - beautiful maiden rescued by perseus

Anemone : ah-neh-MOH-nee : greek "windflower"

Anezka : AH-nehzh-kah : czecholslovakian "pure"

Angela : AN-jel-uh : greek "heavenly messenger"

Angelica : AN-jel-ih-kah : latin "angelic"

Angeni : ahn-GAY-nee : native american "spirit angel"

Anica : ah-NEE-kah : spanish "graceful"

Anieli : ah-NEE-lee : greek "manly"

Anisa : ah-NEE-sah : arabic "friendly"

Anke : AHN-kuh : hebrew "grace"

Anne : AN : hebrew "grace"

Annikka : AH-nee-kah : swedish "grace"

Annora : AH-nohr-ah : latin "honor"

Anoush : AH-noosh : armenian "sweet"

Anteia : AHN-tay-uh : greek - wife of sea-god proteus

Anthea : ahn-THEE-ah : greek "lady of flowers"

Antje : AHNT-yah : german "grace"

Antonia : an-TOH-nee-ah : latin "beyond price"

Aolani : ow-LAH-nee : hawaiian "heavenly cloud"

Apara : ah-PAH-rah : yoruban "one who comes and goes"

Apirka : ah-PEER-kah : gaelic "pleasant"

Apolline : a-poh-LEE-nah : greek "sunshine, warmth and strength"

Aponi : ah-POH-nee : native american "butterfly"

April : AY-pril : latin "opening"

Aquene : ah-KAY-nay : native american "peace"

Araceli : AYR-ah-chel-ee : latin "alter of heaven"

Araminta : ayr-ah-MIN-tah : hebrew "lofty"

Araxie : ah-RAKS-ee : armenian - river said to inspire poetic expression

Arcadia : ahr-CAYD-ee-uh : spanish "adventurous"

Ardelia : ahr-DEEL-ee-yuh : latin "zealous"

Arden : AHR-den : old english "eagle valley"

Ardis : AHR-dis : latin "fervent"

Arella : ah-REL-uh : hebrew "angel messenger"

Aretha : uh-REE-thuh : greek "best"

Aretina : ayr-ay-TEE-nah : greek "virtuous"

Ariadne : AHR-ee-AHD-nee : greek "very holy one"

Ariana : ahr-ee-AHN-ah : greek "very holy one"

Aricia : AH-ree-shah : greek "princess of the royal blood of athens"

Ariel : AYR-ee-el : hebrew "lion of god"

Ariene : AIR-ee-ehn : welsh "silvery"

Arista : AH-ris-tah : latin "harvest"

Arlene : ahr-LEEN : irish "a pledge"

Armina : ahr-MEE-nuh : latin "of a high degree"

Artemisia : ART-ah-mee-zhah : greek "belonging to artemis"

Arziki : ahr-ZEE-kee : african hausa "prosperity"

Asenka : AH-sen-kah : hebrew "graceful"

Asha : AH-shah : african "life"

Ashlan : ASH-len : english "from the ash-tree meadow"

Ashley : ASH-lee : english "ash-tree meadow"

Asia : AY-zsah : greek "east"

Asisa : ah-SEE-sah : hebrew "ripe"

Aspasia : ah-SPAY-shuh : greek "welcomed"

Asta : AHS-tah : greek "star"

Astera : AHS-tehr-uh : israeli - flower name

Astra : AHS-truh : greek "like a star"

Astrea : as-TRAY-uh : greek - goddess of justice

Astrid : AS-trid : armenian "star"

Atara : uh-TAR-uh : hebrew "a crown"

Athalia : uh-THALE-ee-yuh : hebrew "the lord is mighty"

Athena : ah-THEE-nuh : greek - goddess of wisdom

Atifa : ah-TEE-fah : arabic "affection"

Aubrey : AW-bree : old french "elf-ruler"

Audny : AWD-nee : norwegian "new prosperity"

Audrey : AW-dree : old english "noble strength"

Audun : AW-dun : norwegian "deserted"

Aure : AW-ree : greek "breeze, soft-air"

Aurilia : aw-REE-le-yuh : latin "golden"

Aurkene : ah-oor-KEH-neh : basque "presentation"

Autumn : AW-tum : latin "autumn"

Ava : AH-vah or AY-vah : german "a bird"

Avasa : ah-VAH-sah : hindi "independent"

Avena : ah-VAY-nuh : english "oats"

Ayame : ah-ya-ME : japanese "iris"

Ayasha : IGH-ish-ah : muslim - muhammad's wife

Ayiana : igh-YAH-nuh : native american "eternal bloom"

Ayisha : aye-EE-shah : arabic "living"

Ayita : ah-YEE-tah : native american "worker"

Ayla : AY-lah : hebrew "oak tree"

Azalea : ah-ZAYL-e-uh : latin "dry earth"

Azalia : ah-ZEEL-yuh : hebrew "spared by jehovah"

Aziza : ah-ZEE-zah : swahili "precious"

Azize : ah-ZEE-zah : turkish "precious"

Azura : ah-ZHOO-ruh : english "clear blue sky"

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Aaron : AYR-un : hebrew "enlightened"

Abbott : AB-but : hebrew "father"

Abdel : AHB-duhl : arabic "servent"

Abdiel : AHB-dee-ehl : hebrew "servent of god"

Abijah : ah-BEE-juh : hebrew "the lord is my father"

Abraham : AYE-brah-ham : hebrew "father of a multitude"

Abran : ah-BRAHN : spanish "father of the multitude"

Ace : AYSE : latin "unity"

Achilles : AH-kil-eez : greek "without lips"

Ackerley : AK-er-lee : old english "from the oak-tree meadow"

Adair : ah-DARE : gaelic "oak-tree ford"

Adam : AD-em : hebrew "earth"

Adan : ah-DAHN : spanish "earth"

Addison : AD-ih-sun : old english "son of adam"

Adeben : ah-deh-BEHN : ghanese "twelfth-born son"

Adem : AD-em : turkish "earth"

Adiran : ah-DEE-rahn : latin "of the adriatic"

Adlai : AD-ligh : hebrew "refuge of god"

Adley : AD-lee : hebrew "just"

Adler : AD-ler : teutonic "eagle"

Admon : ad-MOHN : israeli "red peony"

Adolph : AYE-dolf : teutonic "noble hero"

Adon : AYE-don : hebrew "lord"

Adonis : ah-DON-is : greek - man loved by aphrodite, manly beauty

Adrian : AY-dree-ahn : latin "dark one"

Adriel : AY-dree-el : native american "beaver, symbol of skill"

Aeneas : ay-NEE-es : greek "worthy of praise"

Ahren : AYR-en : old german "eagle"

Aidan : AY-den : celtic "fire:

Aiken : AYE-ken : anglo-saxon "sturdy, oaken"

Aimery : AY-mer-ee : teutonic "industrious ruler"

Aitan : AY-ten : hebrew "fights for possession"

Ajay : AY-jay : hindi "god"

Ajayi : ah-JAH-yee : yoruban "born face-down"

Agustin : aw-GUS-tin : spanish "the exalted one"

Ahearn : AY-hern : celtic "lord of the horses"

Ahmik : AH-mik : hebrew "strength of god's flock"

Akando : ah-KAHN-doh : native american "ambush"

Akello : ah-KEL-oh : ugandan "i have bought"

Akil : ah-KEEL : arabic "intelligent, thoughtful"

Akshay : AK-shay : hindi - name of a god

Alan : AL-uhn : celtic "noble"

Alan : AL-uhn : gaelic "handsome, cheerful"

Aland : AL-uhnd : english "bright as the sun"

Alano : AH-lah-noh : spanish "handsome"

Alaric: AH-layr-ic : old german "noble ruler"

Alben : AL-ben : latin "fair-blond"

Alcander : AL-kan-der : greek "strong"

Alcott : AL-kott : old english "from the old cottage"

Alden : AWL-den : old english "old, wise protector"

Alder : AL-der : german - name of a tree

Alek : AL-ek : russian "helper and defender of mankind"

Aleksy : AH-lek-see : polish "helper and defender of mankind"

Aleron : AL-er-on : french "knight armor"

Aleser : AL-e-ser : arabic "lion"

Alexander : ahl-eks-AHN-der : greek "helper and defender of mankind"

Alger : AL-jer : old german "noble spearman"

Alim : a-LEEM : arabic "wise, learned"

Allard : AL-ard : teutonic "nobly resolute"

Alistair : AYL-is-ter : scottish "defender of men"

Alston : AL-ston : anglo-saxon "from the old manor"

Altair : ALL-tayr : greek "star"

Alton : AL-ton : old english "from the old manor"

Amadi : ah-MA-dee : nigerian "seemed destined to die at birth"

Amado : uh-MA-doh : latin "loving deity"

Amiel : a-MEEL or AY-meel : hebrew "god of my people"

Ammon : am-MAHN : egyptian "the hidden"

Amsden : AHMS-den : old english "from the ambroses valley"

Ananda : AH-nuhn-dah : hindi "bliss"

Anders : AN-ders : swedish "strong and manly"

Andreus : AHN-dray-us : greek "son of river peneius"

Andrew : ahn-DROO : latin "manly"

Andrey : ahn-DRAY : russian "strong and manly"

Andries : AHN-drehs : greek "manly"

Angelo : AN-je-loh : greek "messenger"

Angus : AN-gus : celtic "chosen one, unique strength"

Anker : AYN-ker : greek "manly"

Anoki : A-noh-kee : native american "an actor"

Ansel : AN-sel : french "servent"

Anselme : AN-selm : teutonic "divine helmut"

Ansley : ANS-lee : old english "from the pastureland of the noble"

Anthony : AN-tho-nee : latin "priceless"

Archer : AR-cher : teutonic "the archer"

Ardon : ahr-DOHN : hebrew "bronze"

Ares : AY-reez : latin "associated with mars"

Aren : AYR-en : nigerian "eagle"

Argus : AHR-gus : greek "watchful"

Ari : ar-EE : hebrew "lion"

Aricin : AYR-ih-sin : norwegian "the eternal king's son"

Arion : AYR-ee-on : greek "musician"

Aristo : AH-rihs-toh : greek "best"

Arkin : AR-kin : norwegian "the eternal king's son"

Arlen : AHR-len : celtic "pledge"

Arley : AR-lee : latin "the bowman"

Arman : AHR-man : teutonic "army man"

Armen : AHR-men : armenian "armenian"

Armon : ahr-MOHN : hebrew "castle"

Arnold : AR-nuld : german "eagle power"

Arnon : ahr-NOHN : hebrew "rushing stream"

Aron : AYR-on : hebrew "enlightened"

Arpiar : ahr-pee-AHR : armenian "sunny"

Arsen : AHR-sen : greek "strong"

Arsenio : AHR-sen-ee-oh : greek "manly and strong"

Arthur : AR-ther : celtic "noble"

Aruna : ah-ROO-nah : hindi "radiance"

Asher : ASH-er : hebrew "lucky, blessed, happy"

Ashford : ASH-ford : old english "dweller by the oak-tree ford"

Ashlin : ASH-lin : english "son of pool surrounded by ash trees"

Ashon : ah-SHON : ghanese "seventh-born son"

Ashur : ah-SHOOR : african "born during the month"

Athan : AYE-thahn : greek "immortal"

Atheron : ATH-er-non : old english "dweller at the spring farm"

Atman : AT-man : hindi "the self"

Audun : OW-doon : norwegian "deserted"

Audric : AWD-rik : french "old and wise rule"

Aurek : AW-rek : polish "golden-haired"

Austin : AWS-ten : latin "majestic dignity"

Avery : A-ver-ee : anglo-saxon "ruler of the elves"

Axel : AHK-sel : hebrew "divine reward"